Getting started¶
Unzip Tensorlab to any directory, browse to that location in MATLAB or Octave and run
addpath(pwd); % Add the current directory to the MATLAB search path.
savepath; % Save the search path for future sessions.
Tensorlab requires MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b) or higher because of its dependency on
the tilde operator ~
. If necessary, older versions of MATLAB can use
Tensorlab by replacing the tilde in [~
and ~,
with tmp
. To do so on
Linux/OS X, browse to Tensorlab and run
sed -i "" 's/\[~/[tmp/g;s/~,/tmp,/g' *.m
in your system’s terminal. However, most of the functionality in Tensorlab
requires at the very minimum MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a) because of its extensive use of
Octave versions lower than 3.8 are only partially supported, mainly because it coerces nested functions into subfunctions. The latter do not share the workspace of their parent function, which is a feature used by Tensorlab in certain algorithms. As Octave v3.8 added support for nested subfunctions, Tensorlab is fully functional now.
If you have installed Tensorlab to the directory tensorlab
, run doc tensorlab
from the command line for an overview of the toolboxes functionality (or, if
that fails, try help(pwd)
). Both commands display the file Contents.m
, shown
below. Although this user guide covers the most important aspects of Tensorlab,
shows a short one line description of all exported functions.
% Version 3.0, 2016-03-28
% Algorithms
% btd_core - Computational core for block term decomposition.
% btd_minf - BTD by unconstrained nonlinear optimization.
% btd_nls - BTD by nonlinear least squares.
% Initialization
% btd_rnd - Pseudorandom initialization for BTD.
% Utilities
% btdgen - Generate full tensor given a BTD.
% btdres - Residual of a BTD.
% frobbtdres - Frobenius norm of residual for a BTD.
% Algorithms
% cpd - Canonical polyadic decomposition.
% cpd_als - CPD by alternating least squares.
% cpd_core - Computational routines for CPD decomposition.
% cpd_minf - CPD by unconstrained nonlinear optimization.
% cpd_nls - CPD by nonlinear least squares.
% cpd_rbs - CPD by randomized block sampling.
% cpd3_sd - CPD by simultaneous diagonalization.
% cpd3_sgsd - CPD by simultaneous generalized Schur decomposition.
% Initialization
% cpd_gevd - CPD by a generalized eigenvalue decomposition.
% cpd_rnd - Pseudorandom initialization for CPD.
% Line and plane search
% cpd_aels - CPD approximate enhanced line search.
% cpd_els - CPD exact line search.
% cpd_eps - CPD exact plane search.
% cpd_lsb - CPD line search by Bro.
% Utilities
% cpd_crb - Diagonal Cramér-Rao bound approximation for CPD.
% cpderr - Errors between factor matrices in a CPD.
% cpdgen - Generate full tensor given a polyadic decomposition.
% cpdres - Residual of a polyadic decomposition.
% frobcpdres - Frobenius norm of residual for polyadic decomposition.
% rankest - Estimate rank.
% Algorithms
% ccpd_core - Computational routines for coupled/symmetric CPD
% decomposition.
% ccpd_minf - Coupled CPD by unconstrained nonlinear optimization.
% ccpd_nls - Coupled/symmetric CPD by nonlinear least squares.
% Nonlinear least squares
% nls_gncgs - Nonlinear least squares by Gauss-Newton with CG-Steihaug.
% nls_gndl - Nonlinear least squares by Gauss-Newton with dogleg trust
% region.
% nls_lm - Nonlinear least squares by Levenberg-Marquardt.
% nlsb_gndl - Bound-constrained NLS by projected Gauss-Newton dogleg
% trust region.
% Unconstrained nonlinear optimization
% minf_lbfgs - Minimize a function by L-BFGS with line search.
% minf_lbfgsdl - Minimize a function by L-BFGS with dogleg trust region.
% minf_ncg - Minimize a function by nonlinear conjugate gradient.
% minf_sr1cgs - Minimize a function by SR1 with CG-Steihaug.
% Utilities
% deriv - Approximate gradient and Jacobian.
% ls_mt - Strong Wolfe line search by More-Thuente.
% mpcg - Modified preconditioned conjugate gradients method.
% Algorithms
% lmlra - Low multilinear rank approximation.
% lmlra_core - Computational core for low multilinear rank approximation.
% lmlra_hooi - LMLRA by higher-order orthogonal iteration.
% lmlra_minf - LMLRA by unconstrained nonlinear optimization.
% lmlra_nls - LMLRA by nonlinear least squares.
% lmlra3_dgn - LMLRA by a differential-geometric Newton method.
% lmlra3_rtr - LMLRA by a Riemannian trust region method.
% mlsvd - (Truncated) multilinear singular value decomposition.
% mlsvds - Multilinear singular value decomposition for sparse tensors.
% mlsvd_rsi - Sequentially truncated MLSVD using randomized subspace
% iteration.
% Initialization
% lmlra_aca - LMLRA by adaptive cross-approximation.
% lmlra_rnd - Pseudorandom initialization for LMLRA.
% Utilities
% lmlraerr - Errors between factor matrices in a LMLRA.
% lmlragen - Generate full tensor given a core tensor and factor
% matrices.
% lmlrares - Residual of a LMLRA.
% froblmlrares - Frobenius norm of residual of a LMLRA.
% mlrank - Multilinear rank.
% mlrankest - Estimate multilinear rank.
% Algorithms
% ll1 - Decomposition in LL1 terms.
% ll1_core - Computational routines for LL1 decomposition.
% ll1_minf - LL1 decomposition by nonlinear unconstrained
% optimization.
% ll1_nls - LL1 decomposition by nonlinear least squares.
% Initialization
% ll1_gevd - LL1 by generalized eigenvalue decomposition.
% ll1_rnd - Pseudorandom initialization for LL1 decomposition.
% Utilities
% ll1convert - Convert LL1 decomposition between CPD and BTD format.
% ll1gen - Generate full tensor given as a LL1 decomposition.
% ll1res - Residual for a LL1 decomposition.
% frobll1res - Frobenius norm of the residual of a LL1 decomposition.
% Language parser
% sdf_check - SDF language parser and syntax/consistency checker.
% Algorithms
% ccpd_core - Computational routines for coupled/symmetric CPD
% decomposition.
% ccpd_minf - Coupled CPD by unconstrained nonlinear optimization.
% ccpd_nls - Coupled/symmetric CPD using nonlinear least squares.
% sdf_core - Computational core for structured data fusion.
% sdf_minf - Structured data fusion by unconstrained nonlinear
% optimization.
% sdf_nls - Structured data fusion by nonlinear least squares.
% Structure
% struct_abs - Absolute value.
% struct_band - Band matrix.
% struct_cell2mat - Convert the contents of a cell array into a matrix.
% struct_conj - Complex conjugate.
% struct_cauchy - Cauchy matrix.
% struct_const - Keep parts of z constant.
% struct_ctranspose - Complex conjugate transpose.
% struct_diag - Diagonal matrix.
% struct_exp - Matrix with columns as exponentials.
% struct_fd - Finite differences.
% struct_gram - Gramian matrix.
% struct_hankel - Hankel matrix.
% struct_inv - Matrix inverse.
% struct_invsqrtm - Matrix inverse square root.
% struct_invtransp - Matrix inverse transpose.
% struct_kr - Khatri-Rao-product of two or more matrices.
% struct_kron - Kronecker-product of two or more matrices.
% struct_LL1 - Structure of third factor matrix in a LL1 decomposition.
% struct_log - Natural logarithm.
% struct_matvec - Matrix-vector and matrix-matrix product.
% struct_nonneg - Nonnegative array.
% struct_nop - No operation.
% struct_normalize - Normalize columns to unit norm.
% struct_orth - Rectangular matrix with orthonormal columns.
% struct_plus - Plus.
% struct_poly - Matrix with columns as polynomials.
% struct_power - Array power.
% struct_prod - Hadamard product.
% struct_rational - Matrix with columns as rational functions.
% struct_rbf - Matrix with columns as sums of Gaussian RBF kernels.
% struct_select - Select entry from cell variable z.
% struct_sigmoid - Constrain array elements to an interval.
% struct_sqrt - Square root.
% struct_sum - Sum of elements.
% struct_times - Times.
% struct_toeplitz - Toeplitz matrix.
% struct_transpose - Transpose.
% struct_tridiag - Tridiagonal matrix.
% struct_tril - Lower triangular matrix.
% struct_triu - Upper triangular matrix.
% struct_vander - Vandermonde matrix.
% Structured tensors
% detectstructure - Detect structure in a tensor.
% getstructure - Determine the type of a tensor.
% isvalidtensor - Check if the representation of a tensor is correct.
% Products
% contract - Mode-n tensor vector contraction.
% inprod - Inner product of two tensors.
% mtkronprod - Matricized tensor Kronecker product.
% mtkrprod - Matricized tensor Khatri-Rao product.
% outprod - Outer vector/matrix/tensor product.
% tmprod - Mode-n tensor-matrix product.
% Utilities
% fmt - Format data set.
% frob - Frobenius norm.
% ful - Convert formatted data set to an array.
% getorder - Order of a tensor.
% getsize - Dimensions of a tensor.
% noisy - Generate a noisy version of a given array.
% ttgen - Generates full tensor from TT format.
% Deterministic tensorization
% decimate - Decimation of vectors, matrices or tensors.
% hankelize - Hankelization of vectors, matrices or tensors.
% loewnerize - Loewnerization of vectors, matrices or tensors.
% mat2tens - Tensorize a matrix.
% segmentize - Segmentation of vectors, matrices or tensors.
% vec2tens - Tensorize a vector.
% Deterministic detensorization
% dedecimate - Recover decimated signal(s).
% dehankelize - Recover the signal(s) from an (approximate) Hankel
% matrix/tensor.
% deloewnerize - Recover the signal(s) from an (approximate) Loewner
% matrix/tensor.
% desegmentize - Recover segmented signal(s).
% tens2mat - Matricize a tensor.
% tens2vec - Vectorize a tensor.
% Tensorization with statistics
% dcov - Covariance matrices along specific dimensions.
% cum3 - Third-order cumulant tensor.
% cum4 - Fourth-order cumulant tensor.
% scov - Shifted covariance matrices.
% stcum4 - Fourth-order spatio-temporal cumulant tensor.
% xcum4 - Fourth-order cross-cumulant tensor.
% Clustering
% gap - Optimal clustering based on the gap statistic.
% kmeans - Cluster multivariate data using the k-means++ algorithm.
% Polynomials
% genpolybasis - Polynomial basis.
% polymin - Minimize a polynomial.
% polymin2 - Minimize bivariate and real polyanalytic polynomials.
% polyval2 - Evaluate bivariate and univariate polyanalytic
% polynomials.
% polysol2 - Solve a system of two bivariate polynomials.
% ratmin - Minimize a rational function.
% ratmin2 - Minimize bivariate and real polyanalytic rational
% functions.
% transform_poly - Transform a polynomial.
% Various
% crandn - Complex normally distributed pseudorandom numbers.
% dotk - Dot product in K-fold precision.
% fixedanglevect - Vectors with fixed angle.
% gevd_bal - Generalized eigenvalue decomposition with balancing.
% kr - Khatri-Rao product.
% kron - Kronecker product.
% sumk - Summation in K-fold precision.
% Visualization
% slice3 - Visualize a third-order tensor with slices.
% spy3 - Visualize a third-order tensor's sparsity pattern.
% surf3 - Visualize a third-order tensor with surfaces.
% visualize - Visualize a higher-order tensor.
% voxel3 - Visualize a third-order tensor with voxels.